Bharti Ayurveda

NOTIFICATION:- ADMISSION OPEN IN BHARTI VISHWAVIDYALAYA, DURG, CHHATTISGARH, INVITES APPLICATION FOR THE FOLLOWING POSTS: Dean, Professor, Associate Professor, Asst. Professor, Visiting Faculty in the following Departments: Commerce, Management, Hotel Management, Hindi, English, Psychology, Political Sciences, Computer Science, Physiotherapy, Pharmacy, Sciences, Arts & Humanities Health & Allied Sciences, Library Sciences, Journalism and Mass Communication. Candidates may apply through Email ""


“Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.”

Discipline is the assertion of over more base desires, and is usually understood to be synonymous with self control. Self-discipline is to some extent a substitute for Motivation. When one uses reason to determine the best course of action that opposes one’s desires, which is the opposite of Fun.
Virtuous behavior can be described as when one’s are aligned with one’s aims: to do what one knows is best and to do it gladly.
Continent behavior, on the other hand, is when one does what one knows is best, but must do it by opposing one’s motivations. Moving from continent to virtuous behavior requires training and some self-discipline.
Students who engage in academic misconduct or violate the standards of the College in other ways may be brought before the College’s disciplinary committee. The Dean of Students in the College will convene the committee, which is comprised of faculty members, administrators, and student representatives. If students are found guilty of misconduct, the disciplinary committee has the right to impose sanctions ranging from probation to suspension or expulsion.
1 Dr. Shyam R . Humne Professor , Rachana Sharir 7000491941
2 Dr. Amiya Bhonsle Reader , Panchkarma 7000491941
3 Dr. Anil Patel Lecturer , Shalya Tantra 7007592756
4 Dr.Deepti Patel Lecturer , Agad Tantra 9770709783
5 Dr. Deepmala Lecturer , Rasashastra 8234094966