Bharti Ayurved Medical College


According to Charaka there is nothing on the earth which is not medicine. That’s why Ayurveda considers all substances as medicine, if used for specific purposes in an appropriate way. It’s a complete science of herbal plants. . Ayurvedic drugs, especially herbs are prescribed in different pharmaceutical forms, to get maximum therapeutic effect.

Ayurveda originated as of vedic sciences. All original texts of Ayurveda were science in sanskrit so, the knowledge of sanskrit language is compulsory to learn Ayurveda.


To create a platform for research in ancient and modern medical science.


To study medicinal herbs& drugs, their origin, nature, properties & effects upon human beings.To finds its parallel in the modern science of pharmacology, pharmacognosy, and therapeutic uses of the plants. Ayurvedic drugs, especially herbs are prescribed in different pharmaceutical forms, to get maximum therapeutic effect.